Saturday 24 July 2010

My Mandate For Nigeria (2) - KOLA AKINGBADE

(Being a continuation of the Presidential Declaration speech of KOLA AKINGBADE, presidential aspirant and political star. An exclusive interview with him will be published in the launch edition of our paper format billed to hit news stands on the first week of October. Watch out!)

Infrastructural Decay
No light, No running water, bad roads, our transportation system, the vehicles on our roads are below acceptable standards.

How can we become a productive nation without the Essential Elements?

Agriculture: Despite the gift of Good land, despite the awesome gift of Rich and fertile land and beautiful weather, despite the immense Human resources and the ability to produce at cost effective rates, Nigeria still fails to feed the population.

Nigeria has non-existing Technology Development.

What happened to made-in-Nigeria Products, any product at all?

Construction Industry:- We build our roads and highways without proper drainage system. Sometimes without any drainage system in place. We build our houses without proper sewer systems.

We build beautiful airports, stadiums High Rise buildings without proper Escape Route (Exit). No plans for its maintenance. We fail to put in place an adequate maintained facility to maintain those structures we already have.

We design our farm land without irrigation systems.

Nigerian government fails to plan or maybe they simply plan to fail. When for $ 10 Billion, the government can secure uninterrupted power supply; instead our leaders will use all the money to build their own financial Empire. They plan to fail.

Nigerian Welfare System: - Nigeria has no welfare system in place to assist our elderly people, the handicapped and the under employed people.

Health Care System: - Nigeria's health care system is unhealthy. Our hospitals, especially the University teaching Hospitals need an upgrade.

National Security: - Our national security is less than secure. We have the deployment of military personnel without the knowledge of the commander in chief.

Oil Sector: - Only the few, the elite and the privileged enjoy our nation wealth.

The state of our Union is Rotten. Our leaders have failed us. There is problem everywhere. Every sector of our economy is problematic. There are problems Up North, problems Down South, problems in the East, problems in the South. None of the three arms of our government can be trusted, there is corruption everywhere. There are problems with voting, there are problems in counting our votes and our leaders refuse to allow our vote count...

(To be continued on Tuesday)